Monday, July 5, 2010

San Diego

San Diego is growing on me. Initially I was disappointed with the coastal city. To me, it looked like another downtown Los Angeles- dirty, littered with homeless people, nothing to really do (unless your interested in the Navy or the Marines, both of which have training grounds in San Diego. Their ships actually dominate San Diego's port).

Today though I practised what Ryan preached- being a traveller, not a tourist.

So I've devoured San Diego's best asset wholeheartedly- the Mexican food. And I'm not just talking nachos. Mexican food largely consists of tacos, burritos, enchiladas, tostadas, fajitas and my new favourite- corn chips with beans, guacamole and spicy sauce. Being on Tijuana's border, hints of Mexico are everywhere, from the cafe's that boast authentic Mexican food and Monday Margerita specials, to the names of it's towns (a la San Miguel).
Likewise, my favorite part of our two days here was this afternoon when we people-watched at Mission Beach (San Diego's answer to LA's renowned Venice Beach) sat on the white sand and, you guessed it, ate Mexican.

And I'll leave you with this.

This margerita was about 700ml and cost me $4.


1 comment:

  1. Jealous much!!! Im glad your having a good time and getting to know the cultures!! Still take lots of pics for me though babe!
    Love you miss you! xxxx
